Selekt DSM

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Product info

  • Product Name: Selekt DSM
  • Date of Introduction: September 2018
  • Type: Integrated digital music player and preamplifier
  • Versions:
    • Selekt DSM with Line-level analogue outputs module (Product Linn Part# SK ALBB)
    • Selekt DSM with internal power ampliifer module (Product Linn Part# SK APBB)
    • Selekt DSM with KATALYST Line-level analogue outputs (Product Linn Part# SK ARBB)
    • Selekt DSM with KATALYST internal power ampliifer module (Product Linn Part# SK AGBB)
The version currently fitted can be checked HERE

Hardware Upgrades

*Selekt 2-channel line-out cartridge - 2 channel line level audio cartridge that can be used in Stereo or assigned a Surround sound channel setup.
*Selekt 2-channel power amplifier cartridge - 2 channel line level audio cartridge that can be used in Stereo, Bi-Amp, Tri-Amp or assigned a Surround sound channel setup
*Selekt combined power amplifier and line-out cartridge - 2 channel cartrdige with:
* One channel for Line-level playback (for Sub-Woofer) and
* One channel for Power Amplifier Centre Channel playback. (This is designed to be used with other Selekt Power Amplfier cartridges.)
*Selekt Standard DAC module - DAC module using the standard DAC
*Selekt Katalyst DAC module - DAC module using the Katalyst DAC
*Selekt HDMI Switching module & Linn Surround module - This allows the addition of HDMI switching and a further upgrade to Surround sound


  • It should be noted that information may at times be out of date and should not be used as a current list of what is upgrades available.
  • Adding more than one cartridge and/or an HDMI switching module on early Selekt DSM's may require a power supply upgrade. Please information can be found by your Linn Retailer at time of ordering.


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Front Panel

Linn Selekt DSM Front.jpg
1. PIN BUTTONS - Personalised media selection Pins 1-6
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Creation on PINS can be found in the Kazoo Manuals for
Windows 8/10,
MAC OSX 10.11+ ,
iPad/iPhone IOS 8+ and
Android 4.1+
2. CONTROL DIAL - Main control dial and switch interface
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Selekt Dial AllPress.jpg
Press the dial CENTRE and continue to press the CENTRE (approx 2seconds) until the volume indicator dial starts to decrease.
Press any of the UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT or CENTRE of the dial.
  1. Press the dial DOWN to list the inputs available menu
  2. Scroll UP/DOWN the selection.
  3. Press RIGHT to select source or LEFT to cancel selection menu
A quick press of the dial CENTRE will toggle between PLAY and STOP/PAUSE
(Radio-PLAY/STOP, Playlist-PLAY-PAUSE).
(Other sources-Mute/Unmute).
A quick press of the dial LEFT/RIGHT jump to Playlist tracks or Radio stations.
  • Volume
Rotate dial clockwise to increase volume, anti-clockwise to reduce volume. The dial indicators will tell you the present volume.
  1. With the Selekt DSM out of Sleep mode
  2. Press dial UP to enter Settings menu
  3. Press RIGHT to select or LEFT to cancel Settings menu
  4. Scroll UP/DOWN to highlight "Surround"
  5. Press RIGHT to select or LEFT to cancel Surround menu
  6. Select a the channel and trim with UP/DOWN

  • Software version
  1. With the Selekt DSM out of Sleep mode
  2. Press dial UP to enter Service menu
  3. Scroll UP/DOWN to highlight "Software Update"
  4. Press RIGHT to select or LEFT to cancel Service menu
  • Selekt "Properties" (Room name, device name, IP address etc)
  1. Press dial UP to enter Service menu
  2. Scroll DOWN to highlight "Properties"
  3. Press RIGHT to select or LEFT to cancel Properties menu

  • Selekt "Settings" (|Balance, Lipsync, Surround volumes etc)
  1. Press dial UP to enter Service menu
  2. Scroll DOWN to highlight "Settings"
  3. Press RIGHT to select or LEFT to cancel Settings menu

Note: Cancel any previous menus by pressing LEFT key.

My Selekt DSM has a RED Linn symbol on the dial, what does this mean?
RED-LINN.jpg If you do not have a live network/LAN connection on the Selekt DSM the Linn symbol on the dial will go red.

If your network cable is plugged in and your network/LAN is alive then check that you have the network/LAN cable plugged into the LAN socket (#3 on the back panel diagram) and NOT the Exakt socket (#10 back panel diagram).

WHITE-LINN.jpg After a live network/LAN connection is made the LINN symbol on the dial will turn white after 5-10 seconds.

I get a flashing Linn icon on the volume dial, what does this mean?
This means that the Selekt DSM is in :
  • Searching for Exakt speakers after being woken from Sleep (typically only flashes for a couple of seconds after waking from Sleep)
  • FALLBACK mode : Fallback is a state that means that the product is waiting for a software update. To stop this flashing either:
  • Power cycle (Switch Mains Off for 10seconds and then switch mains On) and leave the Selekt DSM to startup for approximately 1min.
  • Use the Linn App to upload software in to the Linn Selekt DSM. Check >HERE< for more information.
What does the shimmering dial mean?

This is to show that the Selekt DSM is starting up after a mains power on. It will typically do this in 30–45 seconds, but if the Linn Selekt DSM is performing a software update, this may take a little longer.

What does a dim/bright dial mean?

This is to show when the Selekt DSM is in Mute mode.

3. Volume level & Mute indicators
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To show the current volume value and mute condition.
4. Software update available
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This is your Selekt DSM telling you that a software update is available.
The update is not compulsary, just an indication that an update is available.
A Software update is performed by the Manage Systems - Software Updates, IR handset or Linn App. Instructions on how to do this update are listed HERE
5. Media information - This will show the source name/track name/Radio station that you are on.
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Using the IR handset i button to wake up and furhter presses allow you to scroll throught the display available.
  • On the Playlist this is typically Artist, Album & codec information. The lower bar will show the track position information
  • On a Radio source this will show the information provided by the radio station and the coedc information
6. Transport information
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Show the Play/Stop/Pause/Buffering symbol to show the current transport state.

Back Panel Connections

Selekt DSM with Line-level cartridge

Selekt Phono backpanel.jpg
View Selekt Phono connection detail
Information of what each connector is and a basic specification of these connectors

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  1. MAINS INPUT - To connect to the mains electricity supply.
  2. FALLBACK - To put the device into Fallback mode (used when reprogramming)
  3. ETHERNET - To connect to a network (100Base-T)
  4. HDMI ARC (HDMI)5 - To connect to a TV Audio Return Channel (ARC) connection
  5. USB6 - To connect to a PC/MAC for Class 2.0 PCM USB Audio playback
  6. DIGITAL INPUTS (Toslink)5 - To connect sources with Toslink (optical) digital outputs.
  7. ANALOGUE INPUTS (RCAline level)1 & 2 - To connect sources with RCA analogue outputs.
  8. DIGITAL INPUTS (Spdif)5 - To connect sources with Spdif (RCA) digital outputs.
  9. ANALOGUE INPUTS (RCA MM/MC)2 & 3 - To connect a turntable with unbalanced (RCA) outputs.
  10. EXAKT LINK - To connect to Exakt compatible devices (Exaktbox, Exakt Speakers, Urika II etc)
  11. PHONO GROUND - To connect to a turntable grounding terminal.
  12. ANALOGUE OUTPUTS (XLR & RCA,variable level)4 - To connect to a power amplifier.
  13. POWER SWITCH - Mains power switch

1 Analogue inputs: Input range adjustable 1V-4V rms, impedance 10kΩ
2 with ADC of 192kHz/24bit

MM input impedance 47k, 100pf
MM max voltage (1kHz): 67mV rms.
MC input impedance 100Ω 470p
MC max voltage (1kHz): 5.5mV rms

4 Analogue Output:

RCA - 2V rms, 300Ω
XLR - 4V rms, 600Ω

5 Digital inputs: 32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 88.2kHz, 96kHz, 176.4kHz, 192kHz
6 USB Supported Sample rates: 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192

Selekt DSM with integrated amplifier cartridge

Power Amp Selekt backpanel.jpg
View Selekt Power Amplifier connection detail
Information of what each connector is and a basic specification of these connectors

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  1. MAINS INPUT - To connect to the mains electricity supply.
  2. FALLBACK - To put the device into Fallback mode (used when reprogramming)
  3. ETHERNET - To connect to a network (100Base-T)
  4. HDMI ARC (HDMI)5 - To connect to a TV Audio Return Channel (ARC) connection
  5. USB 9 - To connect to a PC/MAC for Class 2.0 PCM USB Audio playback
  6. DIGITAL INPUTS (Toslink)5 - To connect sources with Toslink (optical) digital outputs.
  7. ANALOGUE INPUTS (RCAline level)1 & 2 - To connect sources with RCA analogue outputs.
  8. DIGITAL INPUTS (Spdif)5 - To connect sources with Spdif (RCA) digital outputs.
  9. ANALOGUE INPUTS (RCA MM/MC)2 & 3 - To connect a turntable with unbalanced (RCA) outputs.
  10. EXAKT LINK- To connect to Exakt compatible devices (Exaktbox, Exakt Speakers, Urika II)
  11. PHONO GROUND - To connect to a turntable grounding terminal.
  12. POWER AMPLIFIER OUTPUTS6 ,7 & 8 - To connect directly to a pair of loudspeakers.
  13. POWER SWITCH - Mains power switch

1 Analogue inputs: Input range adjustable 1V-4V rms, 10kΩ impedance
2 with ADC of 192kHz/24bit

MM input impedance 47k, 100pf
MM max voltage (1kHz): 67mV rms.
MC input impedance 100Ω 470p
MC max voltage (1kHz): 5.5mV rms

5 Digital inputs: 32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 88.2kHz, 96kHz, 176.4kHz, 192kHz
6 Power Amplifier outputs: These are CLASS-D amplifier outputs and speakers should ONLY be connected/disconnected when the product in is Sleep state or powered OFF.
7 Power Amplifier outputs: Max 100W/4Ω, 50W/8Ω per channel, Gain 20dB

The Selekt power amplfiers have a slightly lower gain than other Linn power amplifiers, (Majik/Akurate..). If you are going to Bi-Amp a pair of speakers then we would recommend either ALL Selekt Power amplifier cartridges or ALL Selekt Line level cartridges with external amplifiers.

8 Some Electrostatic speakers may require a modification to work with Linn Selekt Class-D amplifier. Please refer to the speaker manufacturers website for information.
9 USB Supported Sample rates: 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192

Selekt DSM Bi-Amp/Tri-Amp options

This is an example of a Tri-Amp PASSIVE system:
  • Each Selekt power amplifier output drive each loudspeaker crossover channel seperately. (Any shorting links/bridging strip across the loudspeaker back panel MUST be removed. Please refer to a Linn Retailer to ensure that this is done correctly)
  • If you wish to Bi-Amp you only need two Selekt power amplifier cartridges.
  • If you wish to use external amplifiers you only need one Selekt Line-Level cartridge and fed this single stereo line level feed to all external amplifier inputs.

Tri-Amp-Selekt DSM.jpg


  • This is NOT an Exakt digital crossover. All Selekt Power Amplifier/Line-level outputs are FULL range.
  • No HDMI Switching module is required for this setup.
  • Do NOT mix Selekt power amplifier cartridges and Selekt Line-Level cartridges for Bi-Amp/Tri-Amp/Quad-Amp... system This is due to the Selekt power amplifier having a lower gain than other Linn amplifier. Therefore the feeds to loudspeaker inputs from the Selekt power amplifier and external power amplifier will be mis-matched in volume.

Selekt DSM with 5.1ch Surround integrated amplifier and an HDMI module with Linn Surround module

This is an example of use in a Surround system (check next point for more information of use):
  • All loudspeaker are driven by the Selekt power amplifier cartridges.
  • The Sub-woofer(s) are fed from the RCA output.The Linn Surround Module is fitted to the HDMI Switching module.
Selekt DSM 5.1ch Surround with Power Amps.jpg

Selekt DSM with 5.1ch Surround with mixed cartridges and an HDMI module with Linn Surround module

  • This shows you that up to three cartridges can be fitted to a Selekt DSM.
  • These cartridges types can be mixed within the same Selekt DSM.

Selekt DSM 5.1ch Surround with mixed modules.jpg
View Selekt 5.1ch Surround connection detail
Information of what each connector is and a basic specification of these connectors

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  1. COMBINED OUTPUT Cartridge (RCA & 4mm)1,2,4,5 & 6 - To connect to a Centre loudspeaker and two RCA socket to connect to Subwoofer(s)
  2. POWER AMPLIFIER OUTPUT Cartridge 1,2,4 & 6 - To connect directly to a pair of loudspeakers.
  3. ANALOGUE OUTPUT Cartridge (XLR & RCA)1,2,3 - To connect to a power amplifier.
  4. HDMI SWITCHING MODULE7-Add HDMI switching to the Selekt DSM.
  6. EXAKT LINK- To connect to Exakt compatible devices (Exaktbox, Exakt Speakers, Urika II etc). This means that you not limited to only use these cartidges to output to speakers. You can also use Exakt speakers and/or Exakboxes.

1 Each cartridge can be run with Standard or Katalyst DAC Module. (These are fitted internally to the cartridge.)
2 Each cartridge shares the same volume control. That is, change the Selekt DSM volume and all cartridges outputs change to this volume.
3 Analogue Output:

RCA - 2V rms, 300Ω
XLR - 4V rms, 600Ω

4 Power Amplifier outputs: These are CLASS-D amplifier outputs and speakers should ONLY be connected/disconnected when the product in is Sleep state or powered OFF.
5 Power Amplifier outputs: Max 100W/4Ω, 50W/8Ω per channel, Gain 20dB

The Selekt power amplfiers have a slightly lower gain than other Linn power amplifiers, (Majik/Akurate..).
  • If you are going to Bi-Amp a pair of speakers then we would recommend either ALL Selekt Power amplifier cartridges or ALL Selekt Line level cartridges with external amplifiers.
  • In Surround mode the gain offset can be adjusted on seperate channels to adjust for this offset.

6 Some Electrostatic speakers may require a modification to work with Linn Selekt Class-D amplifier. Please refer to the speaker manufacturers website for information.
7 Adding the HDMI Switching module will DISABLE the onboard HDMI-ARC socket. HDMI-ARC will now work from the HDMI Switch module HDMI OUT socket

More Surround options can be seen in the Surround section


Please read the following carefully before installing the unit in your system – your unit may need to be reconfigured by your Linn retailer.

For further assistance, try our customer support pages .

Stable mains supply

100-120V rms 50~60Hz,
220-240V rms 50~60Hz

Broadband internet access - for product updates

Exakt options

Exakt usage with the Selekt DSM can be found in Akurate_Exakt_System


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