Linn App Manual

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Apple iPad/iPhone requires IOS 12.0 or later.
Android Phone/Tablet requires Android5 (Lollipop) or higher
MAC with Apple M1 chip or later
plus Linn DS/DSM product attached to your Linn Account. (More information can be found HERE)
Linn quick and easy control of your Linn system

Linn is the quickest, easiest and most enjoyable way to control a Linn Music System, whether you have one or multiple systems throughout your home.

  • Access to everything at your fingertips
  • Global Search
  • Easy access to lossless streaming services
  • Access your playlists from anywhere
  • Update your system from the app
  • Take control of every room


Linn App Searc.png

Only available from Apple App store & Google Play

Linn App - iPhone/iPad Apple App store - Linn App for iPhone / iPad & MAC with Apple M1 chip or later


Linn App - Google Play for Phone/Tablet Google Play - Linn App for Android Phone/Tablet

  • .iPhone/iPad IOS 14.5 firmware onwards and Linn App versions up to Linn App V 4.2.26 has Linn DS/DSM discovery issues. This has been fixed in Linn App 4.2.27 onwards.

IOS14 has added security settings that may not have been updated to allow the Linn App to see what is on your local network.
This setting for enabling / disabling local access is under your iPhone/iPad
Settings > Privacy & Security > Local Network and the user can toggle OFF>ON the Linn access to the local network.

Linn App Local Network.jpg
  • .MAC M-Series MacOS 15

MAC M-Series MacOS 15 has added security settings that may not have been updated to allow the Linn App to see what is on your local network.
This setting for enabling / disabling local access is under your MAC M-Series
System Settings > Privacy & Security > Local Network and the user can toggle OFF>ON the Linn access to the local network.

LinnApp MacNetwork.png

Release history

>Linn App History< shows changes in the Linn App software

Quick start

Home page

Linn App for Android, iPhone / iPad & MAC with Apple M1 chip or later

For Android Phone & iPhones:

Linn App Apple Quick Start.png

For Android Tablets & iPads:

Linn App iPAD Quick Start.png
Linn App settings include:
  • System updates
  • System Recovery
  • Access to Manage Systems
  • Adding removing Linn Products from your Linn Account.
airable radio and Linn Playlists will be the Linn App to be logged into your Linn Account first. Check <HERE> for information.

Songcast Grouping

Grouping two or more systems together allows the systems to play the same music in perfect synchronisation.
1. Tap the Rooms icon
2. On the Linn DS/DSM you want share, press the LinnApp 3Dots.png
3. Press the ‘LinnApp Songcast icon.png Group With’ or ‘LinnApp Songcast icon.png Configure Group‘ and select the systems you want to add/remove and tap ‘Group’
Songcast Grouping.png

To UNGROUP, repeat the above procedure and press the UNGROUP button

Group Volume

Songcast Volume Grouping.png

Create PINs

Linn App-QobuzPlOp.png
In Linn App-Explore Button.png tab, you will find most of the items with LinnApp 3Dots.png on the right-hand side of each item.
Click on the LinnApp 3Dots.png and it will open an OPTIONS menu
  • Under the Linn section you will see
Pin album,
Pin artist,
Pin track,
Pin radio station,
Pin playlist
Press this Pin option and this will then show you the PIN's available to add, or overwrite.Select a Pin and this shortcut is now added.

In the Linn App-Room But.png, this will show you any local inputs.
On the right-hand side of each input is a Linn App Pins Icon.png symbol.
Press this Pin option and this will then show you the PIN's available to add, or overwrite. Select a Pin and this shortcut is now added.

MORE page


Login to access addition....

Goto the section below, in the Linn App guide, for details on how to login to your Linn Account

Application settings


Pressing active tab returns to root: Press the EXPLORE, button will return you to the EXPLORE Home page

Autolock Preferences: To determine when iPhone/iPad screen lock occurs.

UPnP Layout Preference: Layout of local server browser.

Default Play mode: on music selection: Play Now, Play next, Play later.

App Appearance: Manual or auto, colour selection.

Clear image Cache: to free phone/tablet memory & get fresh images.

verbose Image Logging:ONLY to be used by Linn Software team.

Network:If multiple networks are available, e,g, VPN or local. This allows you to select your preferred network address range.

Contact Linn

This has 2 sections:
This is to raise a ticket for a problem with your Linn DS/DS
Note: if you are reporting an issue with a Linn DS/DSM, please confirm that you have selected the room with that Linn DS/DSM BEFORE you do this action.
Add in your name plus email with a description of your issue. (If you cannot find your Linn DS/DSM, please check the FAQ section.)
Hit Send

This section is to suggest enhancements to our software and/or products.
Add in your name plus email with a brief note of your suggestion.
Hit Send

When you hit send in both sections, this will raise a ticket with the Linn Helpline, and they will reply to your ticket.
AL-Contact Linn.png

Privacy Settings

Help to improve Linn option
This is blind feedback, that is we don't know the user details but the configuration of the Linn App. If enabled, this feedback will help Linn find out how users are using this Linn App.

Send Crash Reports option
If the Linn App crashes and restarts, if enabled, will report the crash information to Linn. This feedback will allow Linn to improve the software

App Updates

This will tell you if there are any updates available of the Linn App

System Updates

This page will report if any of the Linn DS/DSM's, on your local network, have any firmware updates.


This page gives a summary of new Products and any general Linn news.

Register Your Products

This to register your products to Linn Products
This does NOT add it to your Linn Account. To add the Linn DS/DSM to your Linn account, follow the instructions HERE

System Recovery

This is used in the Recovery of you Linn DS/DSM.
For detailed instructions on this Recovery procedure HERE


I have installed the Linn App on my iPhone and I cannot see any Rooms.. or states, "Waiting for Rooms"

Quit App 400px.png

    * The first thing to do is QUIT the Linn App, that is, fully close the Linn App and restart it.

1. Swipe up from the bottom (the Home bar) of the iPhone/IPad screen. This will show all open apps.
2. You can now scroll horizontally on this screen, or see a grid and see all the previously opened apps.
3. When you see the Linn app, swipe up on the App. The Linn App should disappear through the top of the display.
4. Now re-open the Linn app.

This will force a fresh connection and rediscover your Linn DS/DSM products.

  • If you have a VPN installed, try disabling the VPN. If, after quitting and restarting Linn App it can find your Linn DS/DSM's:
* Add the Wi-Fi SSID that the Linn DS/DSM is on, as a "Trusted Network"
* If you have a MESH VPN, try disabling this and quitting/restarting the Linn App. (It has been found after the IOS18 update this is causing issues with some VPN's)

  • .iPhone/iPad IOS 14.5 firmware onwards and Linn App versions up to Linn App V 4.2.26 has Linn DS/DSM discovery issues. This has been fixed in Linn App 4.2.27 onwards.

IOS14 has added security settings that may not have been updated to allow the Linn App to see what is on your local network.
This setting for enabling / disabling local access is under your iPhone/iPad
Settings > Privacy & Security > Local Network and the user can toggle OFF>ON the Linn access to the local network.

Linn App Local Network.jpg

Log into your Linn Account


In Linn App login into your Linn Account

1. Press the LinnAppMoreButton.png in the bottom right of the Linn App.

2. In the Settings Screen, the top section will show what Linn Account you are using.

3. If you are not logged into your Linn Account, then press the Linn Icon and proceed to the Login screen.
If you do not have a Linn Account, then select the "Sign-up for a Linn Account" text.

Add/Remove products from your Linn Account

1. Make sure that you are on the same ethernet network as your Linn products. (In other words, make sure that you can see your Linn Products in the Linn App)
2. Check that you are logged into your Linn Account by pressing the Linn App settings button. The top of the settings menu will tell you the Linn Account used or show a Linn Account message to log in.

3. After you check, you are logged in

3.1 Click on the Settings > Linn Account Linn icon and "Add/Remove Systems"
3.2 This will show ALL the products on your network, even ones NOT of your Linn account, as well as the products already linked to your Linn Account.
3.3 Hit the PlusAccountSym.png to ADD the product to your Linn Account.
3.4 Hit the MinusAccountSym.png to REMOVE it from the Linn Account it is associated with ANY Linn Account.
3.4.1 If you are not connected to the same network as the Linn DS/DSM you can only remove from YOUR Linn Account. That is, the one that you are currently logged in to.
3.4.2 If you ARE connected to the same network as the Linn DS/DSM, (you can typically see an image of the Linn DS/DSM), hitting this symbol will remove from ANY associated Linn Account. This will allow you to now locally associate this Linn DS/DSM to your Linn Account without having to find who was previously attached.

4. Complete

Registering a product does NOT add it to your Linn Account.

How to add/remove a media source/Streaming service in the Linn app

1. In the LinnApp Explore button.png tab, tap the LinnApp Settings Gear.png settings icon
2. Tap the source you would like to enable/disable.
LinnApp MediaService1.png

How to group rooms in the Linn app

Grouping two or more systems together allows the systems to play the same music in perfect synchronisation.
1. Tap the Rooms icon
2. On the Linn DS/DSM you want share, press the LinnApp 3Dots.png
3. Press the ‘LinnApp Songcast icon.png Group With’ or ‘LinnApp Songcast icon.png Configure Group‘ and select the systems you want to add/remove and tap ‘Group’
Songcast Grouping.png

To UNGROUP, repeat the above procedure and press the UNGROUP button

How to copy/move Playlists created in Kazoo into Linn App

if you want to move Kazoo: My Playlists to Linn App:My Playlists then

1. Go into Kazoo My Playlist and load a playlist into your Linn DS/DSM
2. Within Linn App, press the Queue button/tab, this should show the tracks you have just loaded into the Linn DS/DSM from Kazoo My Playlists..
3. On the top right, select Edit
3a: On the top left click on the Select All text/button
3b: Now press the Add To Playlist icon.png
3c: This will being up a new page and allows you to either "Create a New Playlist" or append to an exsting playlist
If you are creating a new Playlist then enter the new name and hit the Create New
4. Now hit the Remove.png button to clear the existing Linn DS/DSM playlist.
5: Repeat actions 1-3 until you hvae got all Playlists copied to Linn App
  • You can check the Playlists you have created by looking into Browse - My Playlists list
  • Make sure that you are logged into your Linn Account on the Linn App, Go into Linn App settings to validate this.


Software update the Linn DS/DSM's

Linn Ds/DSM software updates using Linn App

Linn App-Update only.png

1.Click on the LinnAppMoreButton.png icon and if there are any updates for your Linn DS/DSM you will see:

Linn App-Kustom DSM Update.png

2.Press the > and this will open the product list.
As an update is available, STOP ANY MUSIC PLAYING ON YOUR LINN DS/DSM BEFORE pressing the UPDATE button
Tap the Update All to initiate the update of all Linn DS/DSM products shown in the list.
Please be patient as this can typically take between 5–40 minutes to update depending on the complexity of the update.

3. If, after 60 minutes, the DS has not finished its update, then it may be stuck in update mode and unresponsive. If this has happened then we recommend doing a recovery. For information on how to do this check >HERE<


Restore a Linn DS/DSM to Factory Defaults

Linn App - Restore your Linn DS/DSM to factory settings

1. Click on the LinnApp 3Dots.png button on the Linn DS/DSM listing in Rooms tab.
2. Select System Info
3.. Scroll this up to show the "Factory Reset" message. You may have top scroll up.

3.1Press this message/pop-up 5 times to do a show the LinnApp FactoryDefaultSystem.png button.

4. Press this LinnApp FactoryDefaultSystem.png button to do a Factory reset on this Linn DS/DSM (and rename this room MAIN ROOM)
4. Complete

LinnApp FacDef6.png

Product RECOVERY of a Linn DS/DSM

This is only valid for Linn DS/DSM that have already been loaded with Davaar 99, or higher, firmware (from approx April 2023).

If, for any reason, the update process has failed, (for example, you have left this UPDATE running for 1-2 hours and the Linn DS appears to be stuck), we would suggest doing the following:
1. Power OFF the Linn DS/DSM and disconnect any EXAKT speakers or Exaktboxes
Fallback Akurate.png
2. Power ON the Linn DS/DSM and press the FALLBACK recessed button on the back of the Linn DS/DSM.
(This sometime has the FB label beside a recessed button near the Linn DS/DSM Ethernet socket.)
This should bring a lightening flash symbol on the Linn DS/DSM display.

Linn App-Update and Recovery.png

3 Open the Linn App, click on the LinnAppMoreButton.png icon, this will proceed to the Recovery page

4:Press the > icon and this will open the product list of products awaiting a RECOVERY.

if there is no "System Recovery" option, then either the Linn App is on the wrong network or the Linn DS/DSM is NOT running Davaar99 or higher firmware. Use Konfig software to recover this Linn DS/DSM.

Linn App-System Recover.png

5: Press the RECOVER button to start the recovery process of this Linn DS/DSM
The button should now state "Recovering" and this may take between 5-60 minutes to complete.

6. After a few minutes, go back to the HOME page, (ignore the recovering button message as this may not have refreshed itself)
Your Linn DS/DSM has been recovered and may have been reset back to its factory default setting. I.e. It will be called the "Main Room"
Note: Kustom DSM's will not show as a room(s), but are available to be added to your Linn Account in the next step...
7. Within the Linn App, go into the Settings
a) Click on the Linn Account.
b) click on the Add/Remove products.
c) Scroll down the list of products and search for "Main Room" or Kustom DSM. Double check that the serial number listed matches your Linn DS/DSM serial number and hit the + to add it to your Linn account.
8. Reconnect any Exakt speakers or Exaktboxes if you had disconnected then in step 1.
9. Proceed to Manage_Systems to rename and set up your Linn DS/DSM