Klimax System Hub /0 (2018 Variant)

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Revision as of 13:30, 7 April 2021 by Yoda (talk | contribs) (Back Panel Connections)
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<< Klimax Exakt DSM/1 (2016-2018 Variant) Klimax Exakt DSM (2013 Variant) >>

(Original version)

KlimaDS 3Q 02 low res.jpg

Product info

  • Product Name: Klimax System Hub (2018 Variant)
  • Date of Introduction: Sept 2018
  • Type: Integrated digital music player and preamplifier

Hardware Upgrades

Note: It should be noted that this upgrade information may at times be out of date and should not be used as a current list of what upgrades are available


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Using the Linn DS/DSM/HUB with IR handset, PC, MAC, Android tablet, iPad/iPhone...
Remote Control manual
Manage Systems manual
Space Optimisation (Advanced)
Surround Sound with Exakt systems
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Network Setup

Back Panel Connections

Image:Klimax Exakt DSM

  1. ANALOGUE IN RIGHT, LEFT - To connect sources with phono outputs.
  2. BALANCED IN RIGHT, LEFT - To connect sources with balanced (XLR) outputs.
  3. EXAKT LINK - To connect to Exakt compatible devices (Exaktbox, Exakt Speakers, Urika II etc)
  4. SPDIF IN - To connect sources with coaxial Spdif digital outputs.
  5. ETHERNET - To connect to a network (100Base-T)
  6. TOSLINK IN- To connect sources with Toslink (optical) digital outputs.
  7. MAINS INPUT - To connect to the mains electricity supply.
  8. FALLBACK - To put the device into Fallback mode (used when reprogramming)
  9. HDMI OUTPUT - To connect to a display device with 1.4 & 2.03 HDMI/HDMI ARC inputs.
  10. HDMI INPUTS - To connect sources with 1.4 & 2.03 HDMI outputs.

3 HDMI Premium certification.png Linn recommend using Premium High Speed Certifiied HDMI cables for an optimal experience. (supporting HDCP 2.2 up to and including 60Hz UHD.)

LED Status

Each of the Exakt Link ports have two status LED's. The function of these LED's is given below:

Exakt Port LED's




Flash / Blink

LED0 Link Port Disabled Link Port Enabled n/a
LED1 No Link Product Discovered Activity

Front Panel




Please read the following carefully before installing the unit in your system – your unit may need to be reconfigured by your Linn retailer.

For further assistance, try our customer support pages

Exakt Options

Exakt usage the the Exakt Klimax speakers can be found at Klimax Exakt System



For further assistance, try our customer support pages