is an internet radio playback option on the Linn DS/DSM, (firmware Davaar 86 => ) and allows world-wide radio on the Linn DS/DSM.
Configuration of the Linn DS/DSM, using Manage Systems/Kloud Konfig, allows you to select using either Airable or TuneIn Radio
BBC Radio station will continue to be supported by the Linn DS/DSM products using
- Requirements
- Up to date control software:
- > iPhone/iPad running Linn App v4.4.9 > (released 2nd Nov 2021) or
- > Kazoo (Windows PC / MAC / Android or Apple iPhone/iPad) v4.15.4 > (released 18th May 2022)
- a Linn Account
- Linn DS/DSM with firmware Davaar 86 > or (released 4th Nov 2021)
Configure your Linn DS/DSM for airable Radio

- Go into Manage systems webpage
- Select your Linn DS/DSM
- Select the MUSIC tab
- Scroll down to RADIO PRESETS PROVIDER and select the required provider.
Your Radio button in Kazoo and Linn App will now show your radio favourites for that Radio provider.
Radio/Pin favourites
uses the Linn Account to save the Preset list.
- To add a Station into your Radio presets list:
- 1. Open Linn App for IOS or Kazoo for Android, PC or Mac
- 2. Make sure you are logged into your Linn Account within the Linn App/Kazoo (Check HERE for more information.)
- 3. Select a Linn DSM, (with Airbles radio option selected),
- 4. In Linn App hit Browse in the bottom option bar, then airable Radio. In Kazoo hit
on the top left and select ariable radio
- 5. Go into the various selection boxes to find your radio station(s)
- 6. Once you have found a suitable radio station
- press the
and enable/disable "airable Radio" - Favourite
- and/or select "Pin radio station" to add this station to a PIN
- press the
- 7.Complete - this station is now added to your Linn Account - Radio presets.
- To add a Station into your Radio presets list:
- The
favourite radio stations are saved to the Linn Account.
- Your Linn DS/DSM is required to be attached to your Linn Account before any
radio broadcasts can be selected, Played or add Pre-set to the Linn Radio.
- Your Linn DS/DSM is required to be attached to your Linn Account before any
- If the Linn DS/DSM is not attached to a Linn Account then this is reported in the Linn App. You are then given the option in the Linn App to add it to your Linn Account.
- On Linn App, "Service Unsupported" typically means that that Linn DS does not have
service turned on in Manage Systems/Kloud Konfig, (it will be set to TuneIn). If this HAS been turned on then may may need to refresh this page: This can be done be either quitting and restarting the Linn App or select another Linn DS and go back to your room.
- The