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===How can I take a Linn DS/DSM off my Linn Account===
===How can I take a Linn DS/DSM off my Linn Account===
===How do I move a Linn DS/DSM from another Linn Account to my Linn Account?===
:This is performed using the Linn App
:1. Go to the system with the Linn DS/DSM and open the Linn App.(This will ONLY work if you are connected to the same network Linn DS/DSM you want to change accounts on).
:2. In the MORE tab of the [[Linn_App_Manual#Add.2FRemove_products_from_your_Linn_Account|<u>Linn App</u>]] click on your Linn account (top of the page)
:3. Click on <b>Add/Remove systems</b>. This will show all the products in your Linn Account as well as local products.
:4. Find the Linn DS/DSM you want to change the Linn Account on.
:5. Hit the [[image:MinusAccountSym.png|link=|25px]] to <b><u>REMOVE</u></b> it from the Linn Account it is <u>associated</u> with.
:6. This will then show the [[image:PlusAccountSym.png|link=|25px]] symbol to allow you to add to your account. (We suggest waiting for 20 seconds before pressing this button to give time for the internet database to full disassociate it with the previous Linn Account.)
:7. Complete.
;More details on this can be found in the [[Linn_App_Manual#Add.2FRemove_products_from_your_Linn_Account | <u>Linn App manual</u>]]
===How can I change the email on my Linn Account===
===How can I change the email on my Linn Account===

Revision as of 08:59, 6 February 2025

What is a Linn Account?

This is a user account that will allow the user access to Linn Services.

Within your Linn account you can edit your account details or manage your music systems; your Linn account is accessible from any device, allowing you to manage your music systems from your PC, laptop, tablet or phone.

These services include:

How can I access my Linn Account?

You can access your Linn Account HERE

If you do not already have a Linn Account then you can create one by clicking on Sign-up for a Linn account at the bottom of this page.

How do I log into my Linn Account

In Linn App


In Linn App login into your Linn Account

1. Press the LinnAppMoreButton.png in the bottom right of the Linn App.

2. In the Settings Screen, the top section will show what Linn Account you are using.

3. If you are not logged into your Linn Account, then press the Linn Icon and proceed to the Login screen.
If you do not have a Linn Account, then select the "Sign-up for a Linn Account" text.

In Kazoo App

In Kazoo login into your Linn Account

1. Press the click Bookmark.jpg then PC-SettingsTile.png in the top right of the Kazoo App.

2. In the Settings Screen, the top section will show what Linn Account selection
(You may have to scroll this bar to the left to view the "LINN ACCOUNT" option.
Settings bar.png

3.If you are not logged into your Linn Account then enter your account details and Log in

How can I ADD/REMOVE Linn Products to my Linn Account?

Using Linn App

1. Make sure that you are on the same ethernet network as your Linn products. (In other words, make sure that you can see your Linn Products in the Linn App)
2. Check that you are logged into your Linn Account by pressing the Linn App settings button. The top of the settings menu will tell you the Linn Account used or show a Linn Account message to log in.

3. After you check, you are logged in

3.1 Click on the Settings > Linn Account Linn icon and "Add/Remove Systems"
3.2 This will show ALL the products on your network, even ones NOT of your Linn account, as well as the products already linked to your Linn Account.
3.3 Hit the PlusAccountSym.png to ADD the product to your Linn Account.
3.4 Hit the MinusAccountSym.png to REMOVE it from the Linn Account it is associated with ANY Linn Account.
3.4.1 If you are not connected to the same network as the Linn DS/DSM you can only remove from YOUR Linn Account. That is, the one that you are currently logged in to.
3.4.2 If you ARE connected to the same network as the Linn DS/DSM, (you can typically see an image of the Linn DS/DSM), hitting this symbol will remove from ANY associated Linn Account. This will allow you to now locally associate this Linn DS/DSM to your Linn Account without having to find who was previously attached.

4. Complete

Registering a product does NOT add it to your Linn Account.

Using Kazoo

  1. Make sure that you are on the same ethernet network as your Linn products. (In other words make sure that you can see your Linn Products in the Kazoo App)
  2. Go into the Kazoo App1 > "Settings" > "Linn Account" and sign in to your Linn Account.
    1. This will show all of the Products that are either on the local network or previously attached to your Linn Account.
      • You can ADD new products to your Account
      • You can REMOVE products from your Account and allow them to be added to another Linn Account
      • This also shows Linn Products on the local network that are attached to other accounts. To release these you must either go the Linn Account to remove them or do a RESTORE via the Konfig app.
  3. Complete
Kazoo App1: Only applies to Kazoo 4.10 onwards (Kazoo 4.8. does not have this function)
Registering a product does NOT add it to your Linn Account.


AirAble-Logo-coloured.png is an internet radio playback option on the Linn DS/DSM, (firmware Davaar 86 => ) and allows world-wide radio on the Linn DS/DSM.
Configuration of the Linn DS/DSM, using Manage Systems/Kloud Konfig, allows you to select using either Airable or TuneIn Radio

BBC Radio station will continue to be supported by the Linn DS/DSM products using AirAble-Logo-coloured.png within the UK

  • Up to date control software:
> iPhone/iPad running Linn App v4.4.9 > (released 2nd Nov 2021) or
> Kazoo (Windows PC / MAC / Android or Apple iPhone/iPad) v4.15.4 > (released 18th May 2022)
  • a Linn Account
  • Linn DS/DSM with firmware Davaar 86 > or (released 4th Nov 2021)
  • if you wish BBC radio then you will can only access this within the UK check FAQ

Configure your Linn DS/DSM for airable Radio

LAMS-Radio Preset.png
  1. Go into Manage systems webpage
  2. Select your Linn DS/DSM
  3. Select the MUSIC tab
  4. Scroll down to RADIO PRESETS PROVIDER and select the required provider.

Your Radio button in Kazoo and Linn App will now show your radio favourites for that Radio provider.

Radio/Pin favourites

AirAble-Logo-coloured.png uses the Linn Account to save the Preset list.
To add a Station into your Radio presets list:
1. Open Linn App for IOS or Kazoo for Android, PC or Mac
2. Make sure you are logged into your Linn Account within the Linn App/Kazoo (Check HERE for more information.)
3. Select a Linn DSM, (with Airbles radio option selected),
4. In Linn App hit Browse in the bottom option bar, then airable Radio. In Kazoo hit Bookmark.jpg on the top left and select ariable radio
5. Go into the various selection boxes to find your radio station(s)
6. Once you have found a suitable radio station
  • press the LinnAppSelect.png and enable/disable "airable Radio" - Favourite
  • and/or select "Pin radio station" to add this station to a PIN
7.Complete - this station is now added to your Linn Account - Radio presets.


  • BBC radio is only available WITHIN the UK From 'Spring 2025' onwards
From this time only BBC World, BBC 4 and BBC podcasts will be available outside the UK. (Although this may also change due to licensing for sports coverage and some music content.)
For more information, check:

  • Your Linn DS/DSM is required to be attached to your Linn Account before any AirAble-Logo-coloured.png radio broadcasts can be selected, Played or add Pre-set to the Linn Radio.

  • If the Linn DS/DSM is not attached to a Linn Account, then this is reported in the Linn App. You are then given the option in the Linn App to add it to your Linn Account.

  • On Linn App, "Service Unsupported" typically means that that Linn DS does not have AirAble-Logo-coloured.png service turned on in Manage Systems/Kloud Konfig, (it will be set to TuneIn). If this HAS been turned on, then may need to refresh this page: This can be done be either quitting and restarting the Linn App or selecting another Linn DS and go back to your room.


How can I take a Linn DS/DSM off my Linn Account

There are THREE ways to do this:
1. If you are on the same network as the Linn DS/DSM then:

a) go into Kazoo Settings > Linn Account and log in to the Linn Account that currently has the Linn DS/DSM
b) This will give a list of Linn DS/DSM on this network and REMOVE the required Linn DS/DSM.
c) Complete

2. If you do not have access the Linn Account that the Linn DS/DSM is linked to:

a) Open Konfig
b) Goto the ADVANCED tab
c) Select the Linn DS/DSM to be unlinked from the Linn Account and hit the <RESTORE>. This will do a factory reset on the Linn DS/DSM and remove this from the Linn Account.

3. If the Linn DS powered off and is on your Linn Account and you want unlink it from your Account:

a) Open Manage account
b) Select the Linn DS/DSM you want to remove. If the room is OFF (that is, no mains power), the web-page will state that the Room is offline. This page will also give you the option to REMOVE MUSIC ROOM. Select this option to unlink this Linn DS/DSM from your Linn Account.

How do I move a Linn DS/DSM from another Linn Account to my Linn Account?

This is performed using the Linn App
1. Go to the system with the Linn DS/DSM and open the Linn App.(This will ONLY work if you are connected to the same network Linn DS/DSM you want to change accounts on).
2. In the MORE tab of the Linn App click on your Linn account (top of the page)
3. Click on Add/Remove systems. This will show all the products in your Linn Account as well as local products.
4. Find the Linn DS/DSM you want to change the Linn Account on.
5. Hit the MinusAccountSym.png to REMOVE it from the Linn Account it is associated with.
6. This will then show the PlusAccountSym.png symbol to allow you to add to your account. (We suggest waiting for 20 seconds before pressing this button to give time for the internet database to full disassociate it with the previous Linn Account.)
7. Complete.
More details on this can be found in the Linn App manual

How can I change the email on my Linn Account

As your Linn Account name IS your email address, unfortunately it is not possible to change your email.
The best strategy would be to create a new Linn account with your new email. Then move the products, room designs and Space Optimisations with the detailed instructions below;
1. Create a new Linn Account and log out of this new Linn Account
2. Log into your existing Linn Account
3. Optimisation transfer:
3.a. Go to the Space tab, and you will see your current optimisations.
3.b. Click on the three dots to the right of the first optimisation.
3.c. Then click Share Copy and enter the e-mail address of your new account under the e-mail box.
3.d. Then enter your name under your name, then click share copy.
3.e. Repeat actions 3.b > 3.d this for all optimisations.
4. Room Designs transfer
4.a. Go to the Room Designs, and you will see your current Rooms.
4.b. Click on the three dots to the right of the first Room.
4.c. Then click Share Copy and enter the e-mail address of your new account under the e-mail box.
4.d. Then enter your name under your name, then click share copy.
4.e. Repeat actions 4.b > 4.d this for all optimisations.
5. Product transfer
5.a. On the main page of your Linn Account, you will see all of your product
5.b. Click the three dots under the picture of your DSM,
5.c. Then click Transfer control, enter the e-mail address of your new account.
5.d. Then your name and then transfer control.
5.e. Repeat actions 5.b > 5.d this for all Linn products.

Now you can log into your new account and all room designs and optimisations will be there.