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Linn DS Series V179 29th Jan 2025 (for C4 OS 3.20 onwards)

  • It can be downloaded from
  • OS 3.20 onwards compatible
  • This is compatible with Kustom DSM
  • Requires Linn DS firmware Davaar 100 or higher
> added Airplay service
> Add property to switch room off when external streaming service (e.g. AirPlay, Spotify) is switched off.
• Gateway API Server
Kazoo Server 4.11.27+
○ Linn DS with Davaar 4.100+ with CI Gateway enabled. For more information than click HERE
Using the CI Gateway disables the Create/Recall Playlist option.
Variable summary (also listed in each Module Documentation section)
  • If you wish to update your Control4 from an earlier "Linn DS Series" driver, then we would recommend a fresh Project is created with V171 onwards
  • Or if you already have the "Linn DS Network (32 Players) + Pins" or "Linn DS Network (32 Players)":
If you are installing Linn Songcast Network, DS or Kustom drivers into a system that already contains versions of these drivers older than version 170 you must update all of these existing drivers to the latest version as the connections and internal communication protocols have changed.
To do this:
- Remove any instances of the Linn DS Network or Linn DS Network + Pins driver in the system (these are replaced by the new Linn Songcast Network driver).
- For off-line drivers, that you have downloaded from above:
- In the top menu select Driver > Add or Update Driver or Agent
* Add each of the .c4z files one at a time
- For online drivers: Download and install the latest online version of the Linn Songcast Network driver by going to the Search tab, unticking “Local”, finding the driver and then right-clicking and selecting “Download Driver”.
- Download the latest online version of the any DS or Kustom drivers by going to the Search tab, unticking “Local”, finding the drivers and then right-clicking and selecting “Download Driver”.
- Update each driver either by using the Driver->Manage Drivers and Agents dialog, or by right-clicking on an instance of it in your project hierarchy, selecting “Update Driver” and choosing the driver file you have downloaded.
NOTE: It is important for the smooth installation of media player drivers that the network driver is added prior to the player drivers. The configuration of the player drivers cannot be completed without the network driver being in place and communicating correctly with a Linn CI-Gateway.

If a simple update does not appear to have resulted in a working system, you may need to reinstall the drivers:
- Delete all instances of all Linn drivers in your project.
- From the "Connect to Project" dialog that Composer shows when selecting a local system, right-click on your controller and select Terminal.
- Type the following commands at the terminal prompt (shown in grey):
~# cd /mnt/internal/c4z
/mnt/internal/c4z# rm -r comms_ip_linn*
/mnt/internal/c4z# rm -r mediaservice_ip_linn*
/mnt/internal/c4z# reboot
The terminal window will lose connection after the reboot and you can close it.
- Close all open instances of Composer.
- Re-open Composer and re-install the drivers and their connections.
The previous stages are necessary to ensure that you get the latest version of the driver when you do this install; just deleting and re-installing can end up with an older version that has been cached on the Director.
---RECOMMEND USING KAZOO SERVER V4.11.27 or system that do not have Products providing Gateway API ---
---CI GATEWAY on newer products. For more information click HERE

Each streaming service used within the system is represented by a separate driver. Install the drivers corresponding to the services you wish to use within the system. The drivers themselves require no further configuration. The currently available services and their drivers are::
airable Radio
My Pins (access to Linn pinned items)
My Playlists (access to Linn playlists)
Radio (Linn radio stations)
Servers (all available UPnP servers)
My Music (single chosen UPnP server)