Klimax Exaktbox /Supported Speakers
When used in this mode any spare outputs CANNOT be used for the either 6 or 8 channel passthrough Surround mode
Select CONNECTION HELP for up to date wiring information
Examples using one Klimax Exaktbox
Note: It should be noted that information may at times be out of date and should not be used as a current list of what is supported. check www.Linn.co.uk
Linn loudspeakers
These speakers must be made externally Active/Exakt
Note: Speakers that cannot be made externally Active e.g Av5110, UNIK, Diskreet etc cannot be used with the Exaktbox
- single Klimax 350 (Externally Active 350's will need to be converted for use with the Exaktbox operation)
- single Akubarik passive
- single Akudorik passive
- single Akurate 242 Mk1 & Mk2
- Single Akurate 225
- single Akurate 212 Mk1 & Mk2
- single Komri
- pair Katan
- single Keltik - Bass Bi-Amped
- pair Keltik - Bass Bi-wired
- pair Espek
- single Ekwal
- single Majik Isobarik
- single Majik 140
- single Majik 112
- pair Majik 109
- pair Ninka
- pair AV5140
- single AV5120
- pair Keilidh Bi-Amped & Tri-Amped (t1-Tweeter 15, T2-Tweeter 038)
- pair Kaber
- single IsoBarik 4-Amped & 6-Amped
- pair Sekrit IW10
- single Trikan
non-Linn speakers
Examples using one Klimax Exaktbox
Note: It should be noted that information may at times be out of date and should not be used as a current list of what is supported. check www.Linn.co.uk
These speakers must be made externally Exakt/Active
- 2 x B&W Nautilus
- B&W 802 Diamond
- Kudos Super 10
- Kudos Super 20
- Kudos Titan 505
- Kudos Titan 606
- Kudos Titan 707
- Kudos Titan 808
- JBL K2 S9900
- PMC Twenty 26
- KEF Reference 3
- KEF Reference 5
Example of use
Externally Exakt / Active 360 setup
- Remove plate, #9 above, to show the Exakt connections.
- After being converted into an external Exakt / Active setup, by an experienced Linn Retailer, the 360 loudspeaker MUST connected to the Exakt-link circuit for setup and operation.

- EXAKT LINK - From Exakt Master OR from an Exakt Slave connected to the Exakt master
- SERVICE - For use of Linn Technicians only
- FALLBACK - Primarily for Linn service use only, to put the device into Fallback mode (used when reprogramming the unit).
Note: The LED behind the Fallback indicates the Exakt Link is active, but the product is not powered/switched off. - EXAKT LINK - To Exakt Slave product
- STATUS INDICATORS - Function of the LEDs are given below:
- Externally Exakt / Active sample wiring using a Klimax DSM, a Klimax Exaktbox, six Klimax Solos amplifiers and a pair of 360 PWAB loudspeakers
- Note how the Exakt wiring goes to all Exakt products, including the 360 loudspeakers
- When using amplifiers with balanced XLR inputs and XLR to XLR cables.
- When using amplifiers with RCA phono inputs and XLR to RCA cables, with wiring as per Power Amplifier/Speaker connections section
- The 360 speaker will be configured for Exakt operation of its Active Bass when programming the system.