Klimax Exaktbox /Supported Speakers

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When used in this mode any spare outputs CANNOT be used for the either 6 or 8 channel passthrough Surround mode

Connection Help.jpg

Select CONNECTION HELP for up to date wiring information

Examples using one Klimax Exaktbox
Note: It should be noted that information may at times be out of date and should not be used as a current list of what is supported. check www.Linn.co.uk

Linn loudspeakers

These speakers must be made externally Active/Exakt
Note: Speakers that cannot be made externally Active e.g Av5110, UNIK, Diskreet etc cannot be used with the Exaktbox

non-Linn speakers

Examples using one Klimax Exaktbox
Note: It should be noted that information may at times be out of date and should not be used as a current list of what is supported. check www.Linn.co.uk
These speakers must be made externally Exakt/Active

  1. 2 x B&W Nautilus
  2. B&W 802 Diamond
  3. Kudos Super 10
  4. Kudos Super 20
  5. Kudos Titan 505
  6. Kudos Titan 606
  7. Kudos Titan 707
  8. Kudos Titan 808
  9. JBL K2 S9900
  10. PMC Twenty 26
  11. KEF Reference 3
  12. KEF Reference 5

Example of use

Klimax DSM to Kllimax ExaktBox opt1.jpg
Klimax DSM to Kllimax ExaktBox opt2.jpg

Externally Exakt / Active 360 setup

Remove plate, #9 above, to show the Exakt connections.
After being converted into an external Exakt / Active setup, by an experienced Linn Retailer, the 360 loudspeaker MUST connected to the Exakt-link circuit for setup and operation.
360 pwab Exakt backpanel.png
  1. EXAKT LINK - From Exakt Master OR from an Exakt Slave connected to the Exakt master
  2. SERVICE - For use of Linn Technicians only
  3. FALLBACK - Primarily for Linn service use only, to put the device into Fallback mode (used when reprogramming the unit).
    Note: The LED behind the Fallback indicates the Exakt Link is active, but the product is not powered/switched off.
  4. EXAKT LINK - To Exakt Slave product
  5. STATUS INDICATORS - Function of the LEDs are given below:

Externally Exakt / Active sample wiring using a Klimax DSM, a Klimax Exaktbox, six Klimax Solos amplifiers and a pair of 360 PWAB loudspeakers
Note how the Exakt wiring goes to all Exakt products, including the 360 loudspeakers
  • When using amplifiers with balanced XLR inputs and XLR to XLR cables.
  • When using amplifiers with RCA phono inputs and XLR to RCA cables, with wiring as per Power Amplifier/Speaker connections section
  • The 360 speaker will be configured for Exakt operation of its Active Bass when programming the system.
360 pwab Extrenally Aktiv wiring.png