Fault Finding:Restart DS
First time your Linn DS/DSI system has stopped working
In this is the first time your system has stopped working and this only happens occasionally, the system products may have got confused. The simple solution is to switch everything off, the switch everything back in a sequence.
- Remove power from ALL devices connected to the ethernet. (that is switch everything off, NOT STANDBY)
- Power on the Router/DHCP server
- Power on any network switches
- Power on the NAS (if used) and other ethernet devices
- Power on the Linn DS/DSI
- Power on your control devices, (PC, iPad, Pronto etc)
This will get the Linn DS/DSI system working again in most cases.
I have installed the Linn App on my iPhone and I cannot see any Rooms.. or states, "Waiting for Rooms"

* The first thing to do is QUIT the Linn App, that is, fully close the Linn App and restart it.
- 1. Swipe up from the bottom (the Home bar) of the iPhone/IPad screen. This will show all open apps.
- 2. You can now scroll horizontally on this screen, or see a grid and see all the previously opened apps.
- 3. When you see the Linn app, swipe up on the App. The Linn App should disappear through the top of the display.
- 4. Now re-open the Linn app.
- This will force a fresh connection and rediscover your Linn DS/DSM products.
- If you have a VPN installed, try disabling the VPN. If, after quitting and restarting Linn App it can find your Linn DS/DSM's:
- * Add the Wi-Fi SSID that the Linn DS/DSM is on, as a "Trusted Network"
- * If you have a MESH VPN, try disabling this and quitting/restarting the Linn App. (It has been found after the IOS18 update this is causing issues with some VPN's)
- .iPhone/iPad IOS 14.5 firmware onwards and Linn App versions up to Linn App V 4.2.26 has Linn DS/DSM discovery issues. This has been fixed in Linn App 4.2.27 onwards.
IOS14 has added security settings that may not have been updated to allow the Linn App to see what is on your local network.
This setting for enabling / disabling local access is under your iPhone/iPad
Settings > Privacy & Security > Local Network and the user can toggle OFF>ON the Linn access to the local network.

IOS 18 has more security and due to iCloud encryption changes may affect operation.
The setting to check/change are in Settings > Apps > Linn
- Local Network is switched ON &
- Document Storage is set to "On My iPhone" or "On My iPad"