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My Selekt DSM has a RED Linn symbol on the dial, what does this mean?
RED-LINN.jpg If you do not have a live network/LAN connection on the Selekt DSM the Linn symbol on the dial will go red.

If your network cable is plugged in and your network/LAN is alive then check that you have the network/LAN cable plugged into the LAN socket (#3 on the back panel diagram) and NOT the Exakt socket (#10 back panel diagram).

WHITE-LINN.jpg After a live network/LAN connection is made the LINN symbol on the dial will turn white after 5-10 seconds.

I get a flashing Linn icon on the volume dial, what does this mean?
This means that the Selekt DSM is in :
  • Searching for Exakt speakers after being woken from Sleep (typically only flashes for a couple of seconds after waking from Sleep)
  • FALLBACK mode : Fallback is a state that means that the product is waiting for a software update. To stop this flashing either:
  • Power cycle (Switch Mains Off for 10seconds and then switch mains On) and leave the Selekt DSM to startup for approximately 1min.
  • Use the Linn App to upload software in to the Linn Selekt DSM. Check >HERE< for more information.
What does the shimmering dial mean?

This is to show that the Selekt DSM is starting up after a mains power on. It will typically do this in 30–45 seconds, but if the Linn Selekt DSM is performing a software update, this may take a little longer.

What does a dim/bright dial mean?

This is to show when the Selekt DSM is in Mute mode.