Template:Backpanel:Selekt DSM Classik - 5.1ch Surround with mixed cartridges and all modules

Information of what each connector is and a basic specification of these connectors
- COMBINED OUTPUT Cartridge (RCA & 4mm)1,2,4,5 & 6 - To connect to a Centre loudspeaker and two RCA socket to connect to Subwoofer(s)
- POWER AMPLIFIER OUTPUT Cartridge 1,2,4 & 6 - To connect directly to a pair of loudspeakers.
- ANALOGUE OUTPUT Cartridge (XLR & RCA)1,2,3 - To connect to a power amplifier.
- HDMI SWITCHING MODULE7-Add HDMI switching to the Selekt DSM.
The HDMI ARC has been moved to the HDMI Switching module HDMI OUT socket - EXAKT LINK- To connect to Exakt compatible devices (Exaktbox, Exakt Speakers, Urika II etc). This means that you not limited to only use these cartidges to output to speakers. You can also use Exakt speakers and/or Exakboxes.
1 Each cartridge can be run with Standard or Katalyst DAC Module. (These are fitted internally to the cartridge.)
2 Each cartridge shares the same volume control. That is, change the Selekt DSM volume and all cartridges outputs change to this volume.
3 Analogue Output:
- RCA - 2V rms, 300Ω
- XLR - 4V rms, 600Ω
4 Power Amplifier outputs: These are CLASS-D amplifier outputs and speakers should ONLY be connected/disconnected when the product in is Sleep state or powered OFF.
5 Power Amplifier outputs: Max 100W/4Ω, 50W/8Ω per channel, Gain 20dB
- The Selekt power amplfiers have a slightly lower gain than other Linn power amplifiers, (Majik/Akurate..).
- If you are going to Bi-Amp a pair of speakers then we would recommend either ALL Selekt Power amplifier cartridges or ALL Selekt Line level cartridges with external amplifiers.
- In Surround mode the gain offset can be adjusted on seperate channels to adjust for this offset.
6 Some Electrostatic speakers may require a modification to work with Linn Selekt Class-D amplifier. Please refer to the speaker manufacturers website for information.
7 Adding the HDMI Switching module will DISABLE the onboard HDMI-ARC socket. HDMI-ARC will now work from the HDMI Switch module HDMI OUT socket