Beta:DsCara6:Release Notes
From LinnDocs
Cara 6 Build 8 (3.6.9) Released on 26 April 2010
- moved from beta to release
- Fixed defect #2880 - Seek within track in local playlist causes device to crash
- Fixed defect - handset navigation of radio presets was not keeping up with control point changes
- Fixed defect - delay configuration from handset was missing delay preset name
- Added support for 'wmvideo' format in radio time as the audio portion of the stream can be wma
- Konfig - radio time accounts listed by country only
Cara 6 Build 8 (3.6.8) Released on 16 April 2010
- fixed defect #2879 - compatibility break in Product::SourceXml
- fixed defect #2878 - some radio station m3u files not being decoded correctly
Cara 6 Build 7 (3.6.7) Released on 14 April 2010
- Fixed #2862 - Konfig reporting all sources as not visible
- Fixed #2867 - Lossless flag not evented
- Fixed #2870 - Device crash when selecting an external input
- Fixed #2836 - Handle error on socket shutdown/close if connection has already been closed externally.
- Fixed #2871 - Konfig sometimes fails to install when auto updating
- Fixed #2869 - Pause then play skips track
- Returned sophisticated algorithm for gapless playback in the presence of track instertion and deletion
- Reduced minimum lipsync delay to 50ms.
- Fixed timeout problems collecting device xml over slow wireless networks
- Fixed metadata not being re-populating correctly when cancelling a playlist browse
- Amp addressed direct source commands now only relevant on devices with external inputs (source only ds only responds to cd/dvd commands).
- Record button now toggles sources (source only ds devices) to solve the small handset problem (Klimax DS).
- For jukebox and radio, added id, parent id, and restricted fields to didl lite creation to make it valid
Cara 6 Build 6 (3.6.6) Released on 31 March 2010
- fixed #2846 - attempt to play non-existent track (via SeekTrackId) crashes device
- fixed #2855 - white noise on fixed-level output when coming out of standby after power cycling
- fixed #2857 - fixed-level outputs are muted whenever preamp is muted
- fixed #2860 - no audio when Toslink2 input is selected
- fixed #2861 - handset source selection conflicts on preamp and source devices
Cara 6 Build 5 (3.6.5) Released on 25 March 2010
- fixed #2819 - Kinsky Jukebox not working in certain setups
- fixed #2847 - audible pop when switching from SPDIF to Analog source
- fixed #2849 - lip sync dialog appearing prior to reboot for change in source's video attribute
- fixed #2850 - hiss from line outputs when Majik DS-I boots up
Cara 6 Build 4 (3.6.4) Released on 22 March 2010
- New Radio Source providing comprehensive internet radio support
- Easy to use Radio Presets configurable via:
- Country specific defaults, or
- Tunein (previously RadioTime) website
- Additional protocol and codec support (rtsp, mms, wma, ogg-flac)
- Delayable preamp input sources allowing video synchronisation
- Optional digital volume control across full range of DS products