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DS Cara Beta

What is it?

Cara is a major software upgrade for all DS products. It introduces a number of new features for all DS products and lays the technical groundwork for future improvements.

You will need a Cara compatible control point to utilise the Cara beta for the DS. KinskyDesktop Cara has also entered its beta release and you will need it to control your Cara DS. Other control points are being migrated to Cara and will become available during the beta phase.

What are the headline features?

  • AAC support
  • Shuffle and Repeat
  • Bonjour support for discovery of a product's home page
  • New web based configuration allowing configuration from any browser.
  • Revamped Linn Konfig with extensive diagnostics
  • Jukebox allowing one to allocate numbers to your favourite albums and select them directly from a standard IR handset
  • Improved network reliability and discovery allowing faster and more robust control of the DS
  • New internal source structure

Where do I start?

  1. Ensure you are aware and agree with the requirements of being involved in Linn's beta programme
  2. Download and install the latest Cara Linn Konfig application here (Available for Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms)
  3. Go to Tools->Options and select 'Show Beta' from the Updates section of Linn Konfig
  4. Select your device from the list, go to the update tab, select the latest Cara beta firmware release, and click update
    • If you have multiple DS devices, you can select Tools->Update All Devices
    • Linn Konfig Manual

Release Notes


How do I report a defect?

  1. Login to our defect tracking site
    • If you don't have a login name and password, please send a request to
  2. Follow the instructions listed for 'Creating a New Ticket'
  3. Once created, your ticket is assigned an engineer and will be investigated
  4. All progress made on the ticket will be emailed to you as it is updated

What if I have problems updating?

Don't panic, the update process is safe, so you will always be able to recover your device

  • Restart Linn Konfig. If your device reports a Cara version, the update was successfull and you are done.
  • If your device does not report a Cara version, retry the update process
  • If this fails, power cycle your device and try again
  • If this fails, put your device into fallback (from the button on the back of the device) and try again

What if I want to go back to Bute?

  1. You must first complete the Cara upgrade process once it has been started
  2. Put your device into fallback mode from the button on the back of the device
  3. Download and install the latest Bute LinnConfig application from the release download site if you do not still have it installed
  4. Select your device from the list and go to the update tab. Select device firmware from the dropdown box and select the latest Bute firmware release and update
  5. Keep in mind
    • Cara control points will no longer work with your device
    • Your device will still have Cara fallback firmware (can not be reverted)

External Issues

  • Cidero will not work with Cara. This will not change until it is upgraded by the developer.