Downloading Music

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Downloading from Linn Records

Follow the procedure for downloading as detailed on the Linn Records website. After you have your downloaded the material you must copy it to the NAS. 

For managing the download, Linn Records recommends the use of iGetter. Instructions for using this tool with Windows are not the same as those for using it with MAC OS X. The iGetter explains how to download and install the software onto a PC or MAC.

Use a browser to navigate to the album(s)/track(s) that you want to purchase. Once there, a right click will open a window which allows you to elect to use iGetter for downloading the music.

You must open iGetter, then browse to the Linn Records website, select the desired album(s)/track(s) and then start the download using iGetter. A right click is achieved by pressing the control key while clicking the mouse.

Other websites that offer hi-res audio downloads