Template:Info:Linn Account Change email

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As your Linn Account name IS your email address, unfortunately it is not possible to change your email.
The best strategy would be to create a new Linn account with your new email. Then move the products, room designs and Space Optimisations with the detailed instructions below;
1. Create a new Linn Account and log out of this new Linn Account
2. Log into your existing Linn Account
3. Optimisation transfer:
3.a. Go to the Space tab, and you will see your current optimisations.
3.b. Click on the three dots to the right of the first optimisation.
3.c. Then click Share Copy and enter the e-mail address of your new account under the e-mail box.
3.d. Then enter your name under your name, then click share copy.
3.e. Repeat actions 3.b > 3.d this for all optimisations.
4. Room Designs transfer
4.a. Go to the Room Designs, and you will see your current Rooms.
4.b. Click on the three dots to the right of the first Room.
4.c. Then click Share Copy and enter the e-mail address of your new account under the e-mail box.
4.d. Then enter your name under your name, then click share copy.
4.e. Repeat actions 4.b > 4.d this for all optimisations.
5. Product transfer
5.a. On the main page of your Linn Account, you will see all of your product
5.b. Click the three dots under the picture of your DSM,
5.c. Then click Transfer control, enter the e-mail address of your new account.
5.d. Then your name and then transfer control.
5.e. Repeat actions 5.b > 5.d this for all Linn products.

Now you can log into your new account and all room designs and optimisations will be there.