[hide]Architectural Overview
The Product service contains basic information concerning a single product. It contains information about what kind of device it is: the model, manufacturer, its name, its room, and details concerning each source within the product. Other basic functionality such as control of the product's standby state are also included.
It should be possible for a control point to create a complete map of the home by subscribing to the Product service of every device.
Network Presentation Attributes
Linked Products
A physical product may contain more than one Product and thus be presented as more than one Product service on the network. An example of this would be a preamplifier with an embedded DS source. In this scenario the two Product services are Linked (internally grouped). Linked Products share certain key parameters such as Standby and Room (ie changing Standby on one Product will automatically change the Standby state on all other Products in that Linked group).
Attributes Action
The Attributes action reports a string containing a comma separated list of attributes indicating the key features supported by the product.
There are four Manufacturer attributes; Name, Info, Url and ImageUri. They are all text strings.
Name contains the Manufacturer name (example: "Linn"). Name is read only.
Info contains more Manufacturer information (example "Linn Products Ltd"). Info is read only.
Url contains the Manufacturer website address (example ""). Url is read only.
Manufacturer Action
The Manufacturer action returns all four Manufacturer attributes.
There are four Model attributes; Name, Info, Url and ImageUri.
Name contains the Model name (example: "Majik DS"). Name is read only.
Info contains more Model information (example "Linn Hi-Fi component"). Info is read only.
Url contains the Model website address (example ""). Url is read only.
Model Action
The Model action returns all four Model attributes.
There are five Product attributes; Room, Name, Info, Url and ImageUri. They are all text strings.
This is the name of the room where the Product is located. Room is used to group the Product with other Products in the same physical room. The Upnp Friendly Name is derived by combining Room and Name in the format {Room : Name}. Products which are Linked always share the same Room name. Room is set to Main Room by default.
This is the Product name. The Upnp Friendly Name is derived by combining Room and Name in the format {Room : Name}. By default the Name is the same as the Model.
Info contains more Product information (example "Linn Hi-Fi component"). Info is read only.
Url is read only.
ImageUri is read only.
Product Action
The Product action returns all five Product attributes.
This is the Standby state of the physical product. Standby can be changed using the SetStandby function. Products which are Linked always share the same Standby state.
Source Control
The Product service maintains a list of all sources within the Product. The size of this list is fixed for each Product and reported by the SourceCount function. Each source can then be referenced by its unique source index* in the list. Only one source, and thus one index, can be active at any given time. When a new source is selected the previous source is automatically deactivated before activating the new source. [* source index is zero based, ie 0,1,2,3,4,5..n, where n=listsize-1]
Source Index
The current (ie currently active) source can be changed by source index or source name. The function SetSourceIndex is used to change the current source by index. If the index is out of range an error will be reported. SetSourceIndexByName is used to change to the source whose name matches that specified. If a source of the specified name does not exist, the source will not change and no error will be reported.
SourceCount returns the number of sources that exist in the Product (ie the source list size). SourceCount is read only.
Source Specific Parameters
Each source has four fundamental parameters, SourceSystemName, SourceName, SourceVisible and SourceType.
SourceSystemName is a unique name string used to identify each source. SourceSystemName is read only. It can only be read via the Source action.
SourceName is a unique name string assigned to each source. In the default state, for a given source index, SourceName matches SourceSystemName. It can be read via the Source action, or the SourceXml action.
SourceType is a unique type string assigned to each source. SourceType is read only. It can be read via the Source action, or the SourceXml action.
SourceVisible is a unique flag assigned to each source. This flag is used to indicate whether the source is to be displayed (front panel, GUI etc) when browsing through the source list. It can be read via the Source action, or the SourceXml action.
Note - a source's "visibility" does not affect its ability to be selected/activated via the functions SetSourceIndex and SetCurrentSourceByName.
Source Actions
SourceXml Action
The SourceXml action returns a list of all source specific parameters, for every source, in XML format.
SourceXmlChangeCount Action
The SourceXmlChangeCount action returns a count indicating the number of times SourceXml has been updated since power on. This is useful for control points that do not support eventing.
Source Action
The Source action returns all source specific parameters for a given source index.
API Reference
Product Service Description (XML)
Migration Guide
Upnp Action Name Changes
Obsolete Functions
The following actions, which relate to configuration, have been removed from the Product service:
Network Attribute Actions
- SetName
- SetRoom
Source Control Actions
- SetStartupSourceIndex
- StartupSourceIndex
- SetStartupSourceIndexByName
- SetStartupSourceEnabled
- StartupSourceEnabled
Source Specific Actions
- SetSourceVisible
- SetSourceName
- SourceAttributes