Template:Issues:General Wifi
General Linn DS/DSM/HIB Wifi
The Wifi module used with the Linn DS/DSM/HUB supports IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac PSK/CCMP 1-CH
this supports both 2.4G & 5G communications.
Wifi History
- This was the first Wifi defined in 1997, 802.11b, generally used with 11, or 13 channels depending on your country. Each channel could each supply a data rate of 11MBit/s .
- This data rate was then expanded to 54MBit/s in 2003, with the 802.11g. However, this still used 2.4G and instead of using 1channel to communicate it now uses 3-channels to communicate.This reduced your number of usable channels as other device communicating on a channel next door would now encroach into your channel(s).
- This means that 2.4G band can have a lot of noise and interference. Coupled with fact that this same frequncy is used by DECT phones, Microwave ovens, Baby mointors, Taxi Radio, Bluetooth.... These can inject a lot if noise and interfere with Wifi streaming link to the Linn DS/DSM/HUB as it may force the LInn product off the Wifi network and it will have to retry the connection, this takes time and may cause your Linn product to keeping muting the Music
- A newer standard, 802.11n, allows usage of both 2.4G and 5G to give an even bigger data rate of up to 600Mbit/s.
- As standards improve the 802.11ac that the Linn DSM/Series3 supports is a data rato of up to 1,300MBit/s.
- 5GHz is a much cleaner radio space with a lot less interence compare with 2.4G. The only negative is a slightly reduced range.
- Some Wireless-Access-Points, WAPs and Router allow you to setup a seperate SSID, (Service Set IDintifier. this is name for a Wi-Fi network.)
Advise on use
We recommend that you configure your Wifi network to have seperate SSID for 2.4G and a different SSID for 5G wifi. Then configure the Linn DSM/Series-3 to only use the 5G network.
This will then allow the music stream to work on a cleaner transport/Wifi and stop any device from intefering with the Music that you are listening to.
- There are Apps available to show you what is on your Wifi and your network