Linn DSM Sources Configuration

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DS Volume control & Proxy RS232 control

There are two way to control the Volume on a Linn DS system:

  • Internal Volume control that will directly control the analogue audio level coming out of the Linn DS. This is good for directly connecting to a Power amplifier on your speakers.
635px-Internal Vol ctrl 10.jpg

Proxy RS232 control

  • Or use an external preamplifier, this means that the Linn DS will always output Line-level audio.
If you have a Linn Pre-amplifier this can be set to be controlled by the Kinsky control software.
771px-DS Name 10.jpg
1. Wire up the Linn DS and Linn preamplifiers RS232 and audio connections as shown Here (Ignore this if you are using an Akurate Kontrol/1)
2. Select the Linn DS and go into the Linn DS 'Device screen
3. Take note of the Name and the Room

DS Name in Kontrol - click to enlarge
4. Click on "Show Devices" and
5. Select the Linn Kontrol (preamplifier) and go into the Linn Kontrol Sources screen
6. Select the Input that the Linn DS is connected to and enter the Name of the Linn DS that was take from the Linn DS - Devices screen

Ethernet controlled Linn Pre-Amplifier (Akurate Kontrol/1)

7. If you are using an Akurate Kontrol/1 make sure that the Akurate Kontrol Device - Room name matches the Linn DS Room name taken in point 3.

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Delay Mode

Source delays - click to enlarge

There are 3 different delays modes with the Linn DSI/DSM

Direct - This will feed the audio in real-time to the local Linn DSI/DSM, but the audio fed to the other Linn DS products will be delayed by 100mS. If this is setup and the other Linn DS products are fairly close, the music will sound like an echo
Fixed - This will delay the audio to ALL Linn DS/DSI/DSM products to keep the audio in perfect sync. This common delay is 100mS
Variable - This is a lipsync delay. This will delay the audio to ALL Linn DS/DSI/DSM products to keep the audio in perfect sync, but the delay time is variable from from 100mS-2S either from the Konfig app or the IR handset.

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Songcast / Net Aux inputs

Sources - click to enlarge
  • To show the Linn DS sources you need to make these visible. This allows you to hide source that you are not going to use, such as UpnpAV that is only used with some media controllers.
  • Songcast listen to Music playing on your PC SONGCAST software or listen to another DS,
    • Visible
      • Set Visible to NO will hide this on the inputs listing within the control software Kinsky.
      • Set Visible to YES will make this a visible source in Kinsky

  • Net-Aux To have 3rd party Media streamers to play on your Linn DS
    • Visible
      • Set Visible to NO will hide this on the inputs listing within the control software Kinsky.
      • Set Visible to YES will make this a visible source in Kinsky
    • Auto Select
      • Set Auto Select to ON will get have the Linn DS to automatically switch to the Net-Aux input on receipt of a third party media stream.
      • Set Auto Select to OFF if you do NOT want the Linn DS to automatically switch to the Net-Aux input on receipt of a third party media stream

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HDMI - click to enlarge
  • The HDMI connection can be shutdown whilst the product is in Sleep mode
  • Usage of the Audio mode etc are explained here

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