Linn DS Overview

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Linn DS / DSM overview

The Linn DS products first started in 2007 with the Klimax DS.
The Linn DS player is a stereo media renderer that can get its media streams from local or ethernet sources. This can be from your:
  • from a local home network device such as iPad/iPhone using Airplay or UPnP media libraries on you PC/MAC or local network storage device, (NAS)
  • from ethernet streaming services. For example Tidal, Qobuz, etc.
  • from Internet Radio stations. Such as the BBC radio, Radio Paradise, Relax FM, SomaFM etc
  • Recent changes now present the Linn DS as a Spotify Connect player
In 2011 we introduced Songcast. This allows you to share the Music that one Linn DS is playing into other rooms with Linn DS players. This will take the same audio stream and broadcast it, in the original quality, to the other Linn DS players

This has grown into a family of Linn DS players

  • Klimax